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Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Is a downturn in e-Book sales a good or bad thing for the book industry?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Is a downturn in e-Book sales a good or bad thing for the book industry?
Sellers and publishers from across the UK are gathering to discuss all things book-related at the London Book Fair. But how is the climate when it comes down to selling physical books and digital copies? Matt Cox spoke to independent bookseller Mark Thornton and bestselling author James Craig, who explained how they operate in the world of bookselling and how recent trends have affected them.

Matt Cox, Mark Thornton, James Craig

Simon Rose

Book Value with Charles Duhigg

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Charles Duhigg
Simon Rose spoke to Pulitzer prize winning author Charles Duhigg about his new book 'Smarter Faster Better - The Secrets of Being Productive'.

Charles Duhigg

Juliette Foster

The Book Review: Lord David Owen’s ‘The UK’s In Out Referendum: EU Foreign & Defence Policy Reform’ & ‘Europe Restructured: Vote to Leave’

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

The Book Review: Lord David Owen’s ‘The UK’s In Out Referendum: EU Foreign & Defence Policy Reform’ & ‘Europe Restructured: Vote to Leave’
The decision on whether the UK stays inside the European Union in the upcoming referendum, could depend on whether a large number of young people turn out to vote. An online survey by "Opinium" - on behalf of "The Observer" newspaper - found that 43% of those questioned wanted Britain to leave Europe while 39% wanted the country to stay in. The results may be a setback for pro-Europe campaigners but for those on the opposite side of the fence, it's further proof that Britain is capable of functioning outside the EU. David Owen is a former Foreign Secretary who from 1992 to 1995 also served as EU peace negotiator in the former Yugoslavia. He's also the author of the pamphlet "The UK's In Out Referendum: EU Foreign & Defence Policy Reform". Earlier he came into the studio and he gave Investment Perspectives presenter Juliette Foster his reaction to that survey.

Simon Rose

Book Value with Rasmus Hougaard

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Rasmus Hougaard
Rasmus Hougaard author of ‘One Second Ahead’ about his book which shows how mindfulness can help in the workplace.

Rasmus Hougaard

Juliette Foster

The Book Review: 'Warren Buffett's Ground Rules' by Jeremy Miller

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

The Book Review: 'Warren Buffett's Ground Rules' by Jeremy Miller
Investment analyst & author Jeremy Miller, whose new book "Warren Buffett's Ground Rules - Words of Wisdom from the Partnership Letters of the World's Greatest Investor", explains Buffet's attitude to investing via 33 letters written between 1956 and 1970, joins Juliette Foster from New York to discuss the book and the man himself. It's published by Profile Books on April 7th and costs £12.99 in hardback.

Simon Rose

Book Value with Ruth Whippman

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Ruth Whippman
Author, Ruth Whippman spoke to Simon about her book, 'The Pursuit of Happiness: And Why It's Making Us Anxious'.

Ruth Whippman

Juliette Foster

The Book Review: 'Connect: How Companies that Engage with Society Become More Successful' by John Browne

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

The Book Review: 'Connect: How Companies that Engage with Society Become More Successful' by John Browne
Share Radio's Book Review: Can society and business exist in a mutually respectful relationship where one side knows where the other is coming from? On the surface, the answer to that question would appear to be "No", since most people believe that companies work to undermine the public interest. Yet there's no denying the fact that business and the public need each other although the challenge is to find a meaningful way of bringing both sides together. Well one man who may have the answer is the peer and former CEO of BP, John Browne, whose new book, "Connect: How Companies Succeed by Engaging Radically with Society", is published in paperback this week. John Browne joined Juliette Foster in the studio.

Simon Rose

Book Value with Barbara Mistick

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Barbara Mistick
Barbara Mistick spoke about her book 'Stretch: How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace'.

Barbara Mistick

Simon Rose

Book Value with Sam Wilkin

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Sam Wilkin
Simon was joined by Sam Wilkin, author of 'Wealth Secrets of the 1%', a modern manual to getting marvellously, obscenely rich.

Sam Wilkin

Juliette Foster

Book Review: 'The Financial Freedom Guarantee' by Marco Robinson

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

Book Review: 'The Financial Freedom Guarantee' by Marco Robinson
Marco Robinson is an entrepreneur and author of the book, "The Financial Freedom Guarantee" who says that if you follow his ten step plan, you could end up being a VERY wealthy person - and he joined Juliette Foster in the studio for a thorough run-down of the strategy and the book itself.
