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Ed Mitchell

Alex Cobham of the Tax Justice Network discusses the EU Commission's plans to clamp down on tax avoidance

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Alex Cobham of the Tax Justice Network discusses the EU Commission's plans to clamp down on tax avoidance
Investment Perspectives: In the wake of the Panama Papers revelations, The European Commission recently announced it would be taking steps to increase tax transparency, and crack down on off-shore havens. Under new proposals revealed on April 12th, the Commission will be putting forward legislation, requiring firms operating in Europe with sales of over £600m to publish details of how much they earn and how much tax they pay on a country-by-country basis. To offer his analysis of the proposals, Ed Mitchell from Investment Perspectives is joined by Alex Cobham, Director of Research at the Tax Justice Network.

Ed Mitchell

Why has the RBI decided to leave interest rates in India unchanged?

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Why has the RBI decided to leave interest rates in India unchanged?
Shilan Shah, India Economist at Capital Economics, discusses interest rates and other economic news from India

Shilan Shah
