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Ed Bowsher

Crowdfunders: Will a vote for Brexit shake up the alternative finance industry? Plus - a look at Essentia

Ed Bowsher
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Crowdfunders: Will a vote for Brexit shake up the alternative finance industry? Plus - a look at Essentia
This is Crowdfunders, the show that covers the fast-growing world of alternative finance, hosted by Share Radio's Senior Analyst, Ed Bowsher. With all the talk of Brexit, Ed takes a look at whether a 'leave' vote would make any difference to the alternative finance industry by speaking to David Stevenson from the Altfi website to find out more. He also looks at a business that is trying to help investors counteract their behavioural biases - so for example, some investors are reluctant to take a loss and hang onto a share for too long. A business called Essentia helps fund managers avoid that kind of mistake, and is raising money on one of the leading equity crowdfunding platforms. He talks to the companies CEO, Clare Flynn Levy.