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Juliette Foster

The Book Review: Jez Rose's 'Flip The Switch: Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think'

Juliette Foster
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The Book Review: Jez Rose's 'Flip The Switch: Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think'
Have you ever wondered why some people get what they want while others have to struggle? Are they phenomenally talented or do they have the knack of being in the right place at the right time for good things to happen? Surprisingly luck - and to a certain extent talent - don't have much to do with it. How far you go in life and whether you achieve your potential, depends on how you think and approach situations. So how easy is it to change the thought and behaviour patterns inherited from childhood, into something positive and beneficial? According to Jez Rose, an author and award winning behaviour specialist, anyone can do it....just as long as you follow a few rules outlined in his new book "Flip The Switch". Jez Rose joins Juliette Foster to discuss the book in more detail.