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Peter Urwin

Economist Questions: Robocalypse, Will new technologies and automation lead to mass unemployment?

Peter Urwin
Original Broadcast:

Economist Questions

Economist Questions: Robocalypse, Will new technologies and automation lead to mass unemployment?
Some projections suggest a third of UK jobs are at high risk of computerisation. The impact of technical progress has been debated since Karl Marx predicted advancement of the means of production to the point where abundance would end the division of labour. J. R. Shackleton, Professor of Economics at the University of Buckingham and Editorial and Research Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs, considers the modern debate in Robocalypse Now?. Prof. Shackleton argues that estimates of the number of jobs-at-risk are excessive; that regulatory and legal barriers to automation will result in slower than anticipated change, and that the last 200 years show how new employment opportunities are created to replace jobs lost to automation. We consider these various debates and ask whether the emergence of AI and robotics mean that, this time it’s different.

Guest: J. R. Shackleton