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Motley Fool Money

Motley Fool Money: Inflation, Retail, Housing, and Alternative Assets (10/6)

Motley Fool Money
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Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: Inflation, Retail, Housing, and Alternative Assets (10/6)
Inflation hits a 40-year high. We know the effect on consumers, but what about investors? Emily Flippen and Ron Gross discuss DocuSign's 25% drop, Target's bold moves, Stitch Fix continuing to struggle, Vail Resorts benefitting from relaxed Covid restrictions, the latest from Campbell Soup, Netflix, Amazon, and more. Plus, Matt Argersinger, lead investor for Millionacres, discusses the current state of the housing market, how a potential recession may affect real estate, and his interest in an alternative asset class: vintage comic books. Meanwhile Emily and Ron share two stocks on their radar: Bilibili and Airbnb. Stocks discussed on the show: DOCU, MSFT, TGT, SFIX, MTN, CPB, NFLX, ROKU, AMZN, SHOP, GOOG, GOOGL, DIS, EBAY, BILI, ABNB; Host: Chris Hill; Guests: Emily Flippen, Ron Gross, Matt Argersinger

Guest: Matt Argersinger