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Motley Fool Money

Motley Fool Money: The Tastes that Change and Stay the Same (22/12)

Motley Fool Money
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Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: The Tastes that Change and Stay the Same (22/12)
It’s our annual best-of interview show! Best-selling author Morgan Housel talks through his book Same as Ever the timeless lessons from history that endure, no matter how the world changes. Then, 19 minutes in, restaurateur, investor, and chairman at Cava Ron Shaich talks about Cava’s path to becoming a public company, and why you might not want to bet against him in the restaurant industry. Stocks discussed: GOOG, GOOGL, X, META, CAVA, SBUX. Host - Dylan Lewis; Guests - Morgan Housel, Ron Shaich

Guests: Morgan Housel,Ron Shaich