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Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Sir Clive Sinclair, Tesla's whoopee cushion & an IgNobel decongestant alternative

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: Sir Clive Sinclair, Tesla's whoopee cushion & an IgNobel decongestant alternative
Share Radio's technology editor Steve Caplin pays tribute to the inventiveness of the late Sir Clive Sinclair, inventor of the pocket calculator among other things - even though he always used a slide rule. He gives a Tesla a test drive, including its built-in whoopee cushion, admires a new microcar, looks forward to streets lit by glow-in-the-dark plants, explains why the Lithuanian government is warning people about Xiaomi phones, recommends an auto cutout app and highlights the latest IgNobel Prizes, one of which says sex is better for clearing the nose than decongestant.

Guest: Steve Caplin