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Nigel Cassidy

Will consumer confidence worsen now that the Article 50 gun has been fired?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Will consumer confidence worsen now that the Article 50 gun has been fired?
According to data released today by GfK, a market research institute, consumer confidence remains stable but still in the negative territory. Survey shows households carried on spending this month - suggesting consumer confidence has remained stable. GfK's index to measure this was unchanged from February. The finding has led the market research firm to suggest that those predicting a post-Article 50 slump "could be wrong". The negative data is most likely due to the generally bleak/unclear future of the UK economy post-Brexit. Now Theresa May has fired the article 50 gun, can we expect things to worsen in consumer confidence or be on the up? Joe Staton, Head of Market Dynamics at GfK joined Nigel Cassidy to discuss further.

Guest: Joe Staton