In a new partnership with publishers Harriman House, Share Radio has produced its first audiobook 'Superinvestors', written by Matthew Partridge and read by some of Share Radio's best known presenters: Simon Rose, Fenella Fudge, Glen Thompsett, Ed Bowsher and accomplished actor David Ricardo Pearce, whose ancestor is featured in the book.
When you just need some relaxing background music for reading, writing or entertaining, Share Music is there with an almost unbroken flow of instrumental folk music. It's a great complement to Share Radio, and if you buy an internet radio from us you'll find both Share Radio and Share Music preset and all ready to go.
Share Music has a great mobile app, Share Music UK, which displays information on tracks played.
Thousands of podcasts and unlimited live shows covering politics, economics, philosophy and entertainment, and other quality speech.
Visit our Online Store to purchase a digital radio, books or music you've heard about on air. The store is provided for us by Amazon with their prices the same as on their main site: but Share Radio earns up to 10% on all sales, helping us to provide you with top quality programmes.
If you need any help, visit our contact us page.