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Georgie Frost

This is Money: It might save you money but does the mortgage price war spell trouble in the future?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: It might save you money but does the mortgage price war spell trouble in the future?
The mortgage price war claimed a high profile victim this week as Tesco Bank scrapped lending. Tesco Bank will continue with its other products, but why has it ditched mortgages, why have a string of other smaller players shut their doors in recent months, and why did building society behemoth Nationwide issue its own caution on home loans this week? On this week’s podcast, Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson and Georgie Frost dive into what is currently a weird world of mortgages: where a greater supply of money to lend than demand to borrow it means there are some very cheap deals on offer. Also on this week’s show, the team look at a reader’s problem with a neighbour upstairs, who has stripped the floor back to floorboards and is creating noise issues, despite a lease that says there must be carpets. How do you enforce that? Thomas Cook’s troubles and what they mean for holidaymakers are under the spotlight too. And finally, ever wondered why sometimes drivers get a ticket but at others escape with just a warning, or what really drives police officers mad behind the wheel?

Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Housing Special - Everything You Need To Know About Buying A Home

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Housing Special - Everything You Need To Know About Buying A Home
Georgie Frost and the This Is Money team present a housing special which explains everything you need to know about buying property!

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Considerably Richer

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Considerably Richer
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio Podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. It’s been a mixed week of results for the banks with HSBC seeing sliding profits whilst Lloyds has undergone something of a comeback with a rebounding share price. Is it fair for HSBC to point the finger at market conditions or does the success of its rivals prove it’s scapegoating? Meanwhile we’re also seeing a divide among savers as the gap between the richest and poorest households grows. Looking through the figures Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce. Plus we look at the domestic challenges for the UK car industry and find out how to spot a rare coin.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Paying More With Less

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Paying More With Less
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio Podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. We’ve had a few stats to digest this week with inflation continuing to rise, now up 1.8%, whilst employment remains at record highs according to the ONS. Behind the figures though we’re hearing much of this is based on freelance and zero-hours work with both salaries and interest rates failing to keep pace with the cost of living. With all this spelling disaster for savers there’s been a few interesting additions to Money Mail’s Best Buy table this week. Joining Georgie Frost to go through the options is Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus. Plus, we take a look at the new rate hikes threatening the future of small businesses and the costs of bereavement.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Good news or bad news?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Good news or bad news?
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. It’s been another Super Thursday for the Bank of England as Mark Carney announced upgraded growth forecasts whilst still clinging doggedly to a rock bottom base rate. So good news or bad news? Despite the Governor’s optimism some are warning of a general slowdown to come which will hit the poorest households hardest, particularly given the lack of people able to save at the moment. Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce to consider some of new alternative investments available from mini-bonds to a new high street peer to peer lender. Plus we find out where money’s really made with a look inside the Royal Mint. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Don't be fooled by the FTSE.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Don't be fooled by the FTSE.
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. We’re still on course for Brexit, albeit pending Parliament’s approval. Already a number of banks seem intent on following through on their threats to relocate jobs, but what about the local branches already shutting down across the UK? Meanwhile the FTSE continues to soar on the back of the slumping pound but questions remain as to the underlying health of the UK economy. Inflation also looks set to rise as does national debt although the latest GDP figures do offer some good news at least. To discuss how people can save and invest for the turbulent times ahead Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Editor Simon Lambert and Deputy Editor Adrian Lowrey. Plus just when BT thought their problems couldn’t get any worse we’ll be announcing the results of the annual Money Mail Wooden Spoon Awards. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Adrian Lowery

Georgie Frost

This Really is Money: Look on the Brightside

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Really is Money: Look on the Brightside
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. After a year of doom and gloom stories this week we’re looking at the positives. Despite the Michael Fish style forecasting of the post-Brexit economy the FTSE is surging to unprecedented levels, could this be the time to start investing? For those less keen on the cut and thrust of the stock market a glimmer of hope for savings rates does seem to be on the horizon in 2017 as we look through some of the accounts paying up to 5%. Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert who gives his wish list of headlines for the next year whilst Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce takes centre stage on everything coin related. But just how well will their financial knowledge stack up in our Podcast Quiz of the Year? This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Scrambled Brexit with a side of Carney

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Scrambled Brexit with a side of Carney
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week all eyes have been on the unreliable boyfriend of banking Mark Carney. Just days after committing to another year in the job the Governor of the Bank of England was thrust into the limelight again for Super Thursday. Meanwhile the High Court ruled parliament must be given a vote on triggering Article 50 casting further speculation on Brexit, and indeed Carney’s role in overseeing it. At any rate the Bank of England’s forecasts did not make for easy listening. Despite some hints of future growth interest rates are set to remain at rock bottom whilst inflation is set to soar leaving many to question just where they can safely invest their money. Editor Simon Lambert and Deputy Editor Adrian Lowrey join Georgie Frost this week to work out what’s on offer also weighing up alternatives such as overpaying the mortgage and investing in premium bonds, which celebrate their 60th birthday this week. Also on this week’s show they look at calls for a Government crackdown on cold calling and the prospect of a post-work economy thanks to the rise of robots and automation. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Adrian Lowery


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Georgie Frost

This is Money: Top Trumps

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Top Trumps
Welcome to This is Money, the podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus join Share Radio’s Georgie Frost in the studio to go through the week’s biggest money stories. And this week it’s all about inflation, and the news is leaving us all a little … deflated. Yes, that nebulous indicator, inflation has jumped to its highest level in 2 years - hitting spenders and savers alike. Blame Brexit if you like, and a lot of people have done, but is that really it? Michael O’Leary of Ryanair certainly is blaming the referendum as he hikes prices in even more obscure ways. And then, we’re looking at the banks: they’re slashing rates, deceiving switchers, and worst of all; this week it seems they don’t even know how to keep our money safe! Meanwhile, we take a look at the treasury's U-Turn to allow retired savers to cash in their annuities. Is Chancellor Hammond just doing all he can to obliterate Chancellor Osborne’s legacy, or dare I say it, could there be an actual plan in place? Surely not, that’s madness. At the other end of the show, Simon reckons we need a tax break on savings interest, what little we have, someone’s bought a car with Apple Pay and everyone’s amazed for some reason, and the new Churchill fiver sees even more inflationary trading. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I.

Rachel Rickard-Straus, Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Floored by Politics

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Floored by Politics
A week is a long time in politics - UKIP; Fracking protesters; and the pound all got a pummeling, didn't they? Welcome to the This is Money podcast, produced in partnership with NS&I. This week, Share Radio’s Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and journalist Ellie Lawrie to take a look at the week’s biggest financial stories. And we start with the speech. Which speech? Don’t be silly. Theresa May capped off the Conservative Party conference with an entreaty for the Tories to be the Peoples Party, but more importantly for our purposes, the PM gave some strong signals of protectionism and increased toughness on Business. Energy, pensions, transport – few sectors escaped her view. And we’re in no doubt about a Hard Brexit now, so how are May and Chancellor Hammond going to navigate this one? To further complicate matters is a near-perfect negative correlation between a plunging Sterling and a soaring FTSE. What are we to make of this? We’ll also be admonishing you to get your affairs in order, that is write a will. Few things ruin a family quicker than money, and family disputes over inheritances are on the rise in this country. We want to make sure your estate is dealt with in the way you intend, without breaking up the home. We’ll also be looking at ways of spending a windfall, the hyper-hyper-inflation of the new £5 note, and … you hear that? The carols are here early, and it’s time for a look-ahead to the toys on every kids’ Christmas list this year. (Sorry, but you really ought to get started early this year, they’re not cheap). This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Ellie Lawrie


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