Share Sounds from Consuming Issues related to Charities/Community Action - Case Studies

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Genre: Charities/Community Action / Topic: Case Studies
Programme: Consuming Issues
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Georgie Frost

What is the future of young entrepreneurship post-Brexit?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

What is the future of young entrepreneurship post-Brexit?
Tuition fees are increasing for students, low-income families are losing grants, more competition for jobs, high house prices - what does all this mean for kids out there with big dreams? And what do they think of their chances in a post Brexit Britain? Joining Georgie Frost today are three young men who are helping shape the next generation of business. Adam Bradford is an award winning social activist, Louis Howell is a Youth and Community Trainer, and Jacob Sarkil is former young mayor of Lewisham and a youth leader and social entrepreneur.

Georgie Frost

Is it May Day for the pound? Ed Bowsher on the News Review

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Is it May Day for the pound? Ed Bowsher on the News Review
Time once again for the Consuming Issues news review, with Georgie Frost and Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher. And today, the pound is rallying behind the news that Theresa May will be the next PM, as David Cameron heads to his last PMQs. And on the subject of the pound, travelers exchanging currency at the UK's regional airports are apparently getting less for their pounds than those using London terminals. And bad news for London, as Cambridge is named best place in the UK to work. All this and more, on Consuming Issues, every day from 9am to Midday, right here on Share Radio.

Ed Bowsher
