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Genre: Economics / Topic: UK
Programme: Share Radio Morning
Presenter: Georgie Frost
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Georgie Frost

Money Fight Club: Squaring up to the festive season's rip-offs

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Money Fight Club: Squaring up to the festive season's rip-offs
Financial heavyweight, Lindsay Cook is here, slugging away for that pound in your pocket. This week we'll be taking on the energy firms hiding their cheapest tariffs from customers. As Christmas shopping continues apace we debate whether store cards are really worth it and delivering the sucker punch to the rip offs. Plus continuing the festive theme we look at the demise of the Christmas card in modern manners.

Lindsay Cook

Georgie Frost

Ludovic Huraux, CEO of Shapr explains his new Tinder-like app for businesses

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Ludovic Huraux, CEO of Shapr explains his new Tinder-like app for businesses
Shapr allows its users to make new business connections and network by offering up relevant potential contacts in a Tinder-like format. Georgie Frost spoke on the line to Shapr's CEO Ludovic Huraux to discuss his app.

Ludovic Huraux

Georgie Frost

Jonathan Chippindale, CEO at Holition talks about the need for traditional bricks-and-mortar high street shops

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Jonathan Chippindale, CEO at Holition talks about the need for traditional bricks-and-mortar high street shops
Could high street shops we obsolete by 2050? With more of us going online - is there a need any more for traditional bricks and mortar? Georgie Frost was joined in the studio with Jonathan Chippindale, CEO at Holition to discuss the possibility of our high street disappearing.

Jonathan Chippindale

Georgie Frost

Lynn James AKA ' Mrs Mummypenny' discusses Christmas budgeting

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Lynn James AKA ' Mrs Mummypenny' discusses Christmas budgeting
This week as Christmas celebrations get going - things can get pretty expensive what with office parties and drinks, dinners out and that's before you include presents and other festive spending. Georgie Frost spoke to blogger Lynn James on how we can keep to a budget, avoid the curse of contactless payments, and find ways to keep things cheap.

Lynn James

Georgie Frost

Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 02/12/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 02/12/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. On the agenda they discuss the big story of the day - Liberal Democrats’ Sarah Olney has overturned a 23,000 majority to pull off a shock win in a by-election, against former Tory MP Zac Goldsmith. Elsewhere, train fares in Britain are to go up by an average of 2.3% from 2 January. Plus Plans to save money at HM Revenue & Customs by moving more of its operations online are leading towards a repeat of a catastrophic collapse” in customer service. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Ed Bowsher

Georgie Frost

Hannah Kinston explains a very unusual way to pay for her degree

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Hannah Kinston explains a very unusual way to pay for her degree
Hannah Kinston is student but needed help funding her degree and of course, she was not alone. So a few students teamed together to create an unusual business - a cheese making one. This is to help fund degrees in agriculture, business, and veterinary medicine at Nottingham University. She explains all to Georgie on the line.

Hannah Kinston

Georgie Frost

Cheryl Spain, a Yoga and Pilates teacher discusses starting her own business

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Cheryl Spain, a Yoga and Pilates teacher discusses starting her own business
What does it take to start up your own business? Guts determination and lots of energy. In the business world, some of the stories are truly inspirational. And in Cheryl Spain's case, it's no different. Back in 2013 Cheryl was a single parent with one dream - to create and run her own fitness studios. No money; very little and now she runs Fitness Fusions in a large building in Clapham. She joined Georgie in the studio to tell her story.

Cheryl Spain

Georgie Frost

Textile artist Kate Jackson discusses the benefits of making your own Christmas gifts

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Textile artist Kate Jackson discusses the benefits of making your own Christmas gifts
Christmas is an expensive time of year for us. And with it only round the the corner, it means spending money on gifts for many people. But what if you want to reject the pressure to splash the cash and make presents instead? Where would you start? To find out, Georgie was joined on the line by Textile artist Kate Jackson.

Kate Jackson

Georgie Frost

Tom Church, Co-Founder, on The News Review

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Tom Church, Co-Founder, on The News Review
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Tom Church, Co-Founder, Today on the agenda, they discuss energy price hikes - and what they mean for millions of people, with it being estimated that four million working families are struggling to pay their energy bills right now before the increased bills. Elsewhere, it's better news for gas prices as British Gas has announced a price freeze for more than six million customers over the winter. Plus, Ofcom has announced a review of the retail market for standalone landline telephone services, to ensure that customers receive value for money. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Tom Church

Georgie Frost

Kevin Charles from Crossland Employment Solicitors on losing jobs before Christmas

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Kevin Charles from Crossland Employment Solicitors on losing jobs before Christmas
How would you feel if you were given the push from your job just before Christmas? How would you feel if the new came via tannoy? With just weeks before Christmas, one insurance company allegedly left their staff weeping as it was announced over the tannoy that hundreds of them would be losing their jobs. Kevin Charles is in the studio to explain all to Georgie.

Kevin Charles
