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Rita Lobo

The World This Week: The South China Sea

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

The World This Week

The World This Week: The South China Sea
The World This Week is with Sophie Pornshlegel, a French National and political commentator, talking about the atrocity in Nice, and Ashley Townshend, research fellow at the University of Sydney on the South China Sea dispute.

Sophie Pornshlegel, Ashley Townshend

Rita Lobo

The World This Week May 29th 2016

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

The World This Week

The World This Week May 29th 2016
In this episode of The World This Week, Rita teams up with Mashable to investigate what's behind this week's spurt of ShareHold-er ECO Activism with science editor, Andrew Freedman. Fiona Norman speaks to Greek financial crisis expert, Thanos Dimadis, to find out how unlocking a €10.3bn bail out loan will help in easing the countries financial debt pile. We look at why tech companies are in the top five list in the world with the most cash in the bank, and how the value of sterling has been extremely volatile this year and what link this may have with Brexit fears.

Rita Lobo

The World This Week with Pascale Davies - April 3rd

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

The World This Week

The World This Week with Pascale Davies - April 3rd
The World This Week with Pascale Davies. This week we find out about the problems with the EU migrant deal with Turkey, by talking to Oz Ketaji, project coordinator for Help Refugees in Lesbos, A troubled Brazil calling for the resignation of president Dilma Rousseff and Fiona Norman talks to Mustafa Qadri from Amnesty Internatioal on their new report "The ugly side of the beautiful game" in light of the alleged human rights abuses coming from the Qatar world cup.

Mustafa Qadri, Oz Ketaji, Fiona Norman, Pascale Davies, Riordan Roett
