The Hypnotist: Treating your body like a new Mercedes

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  • The Hypnotist: Treating your body like a new Mercedes - 21 Jan 23
Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Treating your body like a new Mercedes

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Treating your body like a new Mercedes
Has an excess of food, alcohol and perhaps smoking featured in your Christmas and New Year celebrations? People generally take great care of a new car but, notwithstanding that their body is infinitely more valuable than that, there is often a real disregard for physical wellbeing. This episode invites you to listen to your body and take back control, using the analogy of caring for a new car to encourage you to cultivate an attitude of respect and appreciation for your body.


Topics: Mindfulness Topic (in Mindfulness)

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