Tony Smedley of Schroder European Real Estate Investement Trust on their full year results

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  • Tony Smedley of Schroder European Real Estate Investment Trust on their full year results - 14 Dec 16
Sarah Lowther

Tony Smedley of Schroder European Real Estate Investement Trust on their full year results

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast on

Tony Smedley of Schroder European Real Estate Investement Trust on their full year results
The Schroder European Real Estate Investment Trust was launched a year ago. It targets growth regions in Continental Europe and aims to provide a regular and attractive level of income together with the potential for long-term income and capital growth. Tony Smedley, Investment Manager & Head of Continental Europe, joined Share Radio to discuss their latest full year results.

Chris Bailey,Tony Smedley


Topics: Investment Trusts (in Investing in Funds)

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