Share Sounds from Morning Money at 7:00 presented by Sandra Kilhof

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Programme: Morning Money at 7:00
Presenter: Sandra Kilhof
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Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Tom Elliott discusses the Greek crisis

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Tom Elliott discusses the Greek crisis
Tom Elliott, International Investment Strategist at the deVere Group, speaks to Sandra Kilhof and Sara Sjölin about Greece and discusses what will happen if they leave the Eurozone and what their potential departure could mean for the markets.

Sara Sjölin, Tom Elliott

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Report on finance and inclusive growth

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Report on finance and inclusive growth
Sandra Kilhof is joined by Boris Cournede, Principal Economist at OECD, to discuss the report he led on finance and inclusive growth, revealing what the findings show.

Boris Cournede
