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Juliette Foster

The Apprentice Investor: An update on the portfolios of Share Radio's Apprentices

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Apprentice Investor: An update on the portfolios of Share Radio's Apprentices
This is a brand new edition of The Apprentice Investor. Regular listeners to the programme will know that our Apprentices are five members of the Share Radio team who've each been given fifteen thousand pounds of virtual money to build their own share portfolios. They're allowed a minimum of eight stocks from different sectors which they've been buying and selling through the Share Centre. Our Apprentices under the spotlight today are Alexi Phillips and Valsa de Winter. Want to start investing yourself? Check out The Investment Trust Show:

Juliette Foster

The Responsible Investment Show: Global oil slowdown

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Responsible Investment Show: Global oil slowdown
This is the Responsible Investment Show, today with Share Radio's Steve Clarke. On this edition: renewable energy with Lord Adair Turner, microfinance with Vicki Escarra, Global CEO of Opportunity International, and European oil and gas producers are scaling up their preparations ahead of an expected slowdown in the international oil market.

Juliette Foster

The Weeks Update: Brexit Budget reflection

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Weeks Update: Brexit Budget reflection
Chancellor Phillip Hammond's Autumn Statement last week produced plenty of heat some might say - but not much light. Many commentators branded it as underwhelming but the forecast from the OBR did get a lot of attention with Brexiteers in particular saying they were way too pessimistic. To reflect on the Statement, Share Radio's Steve Clarke was joined in the studio by Professor John Weeks, Share Radio's regular economic commentator and his guest Graham Gudgin, Research Associate at the Centre For Business Research at the University of Cambridge

Juliette Foster

The Book Review: 'Crash Bang Wallop: The Inside Story of London's Big Bang and a Financial Revolution that Changed the World' by Iain Martin

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Book Review: 'Crash Bang Wallop: The Inside Story of London's Big Bang and a Financial Revolution that Changed the World' by Iain Martin
One of the oddities of the last 30 years is the The City - London's wealthy, successful and global financial centre - has gone from something known largely only to the those who worked in it, to where it is today, known by us all and followed by us all. Seemingly a barometer of national wealth The City may be despised by some, but it's watched like a hawk as temperature check on UK plc's economic future. So how did we get here? A new book - 'Crash, Bang, Wallop - The Inside Story of London's Big Bang and a Financial Revolution That Changed the World' by journalist Ian Martin - sets out to tell the story .

Glen Goodman

Autumn Statement: "Too little too late" - Labour's reaction with Peter Dowd MP

Glen Goodman
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

Autumn Statement: "Too little too late" - Labour's reaction with Peter Dowd MP
Share Radio's Glen Goodman was joined on the line by Peter Dowd MP, Shadow Financial Secretary for Labour, to get the opposition take on Philip Hammond's first Autumn Statement as Chancellor.

Glen Goodman

Autumn Statement: Too thin on Brexit? With SNP Trade Spokesperson Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh MP

Glen Goodman
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

Autumn Statement: Too thin on Brexit? With SNP Trade Spokesperson Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh MP
Alongside the Chancellor's first Autumn Statement, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has released deficit forecasts over the course of the UK's departure from the EU. The result is clear: Hammond's hopes of a large scale infrastructure investment have been sunk by the estimated £122bn Brexit black hole. In fact, despite the constraining effect Brexit has had, some, including the SNP, claim the Chancellor has been too thin on Brexit policy. For more on this, Share Radio's Glen Goodman was joined on the line by Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh, SNP International Trade Spokesperson.

Glen Goodman

My Portfolio with Lord Lee: Mark Briffa of Air Partner

Glen Goodman
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

My Portfolio with Lord Lee: Mark Briffa of Air Partner
This is My Portfolio with Lord Lee, our weekly look at investment decisions from the perspective of both the investor and the invested, side by side. As ever, our investor is weekly FT columnist Lord John Lee. He is also author of the book 'How to Make a Million Slowly: My Guiding Principles from a Lifetime of Successful Investing'. This week, Lord Lee's invested is Mark Briffa, Chief Executive Officer at at Air Partner. He joined Lord Lee and Share Radio's Glen Goodman in the studio.

Ed Bowsher

The Apprentice Investor: An update on the portfolios of Share Radio's apprentices

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Apprentice Investor: An update on the portfolios of Share Radio's apprentices
This is a new edition of The Apprentice Investor. Regular listeners to the programme will know that our Apprentices are five members of the Share Radio team who've each been given £15,000 of virtual money to build their own share portfolios. They're allowed a minimum of eight stocks from different sectors which they've been buying and selling through the Share Centre. Our two apprentice investors today are Valsa De Winter and Matt Cox - and giving us his verdict on their efforts is Share Radio's senior analyst, Ed Bowsher.

Ed Bowsher

The Book Review: 'The Future of Diplomacy' by Philip Seib

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Book Review: 'The Future of Diplomacy' by Philip Seib
Modern diplomats face an extra challenge they didn't have 20 years ago or even 10 years ago: social media. Today's diplomats are obliged to respond instantly to the latest crisis fueled by a YouTube video or Facebook post. Share Radio's Ed Bowsher spoke to Philip Seib, the Professor of Journalism and International Relations at the University of Southern California. He's also written a book called 'The Future of Diplomacy.'

Ed Bowsher

The Weeks Update: Capitalism corrupted

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Listen Again: Share Radio Afternoon

The Weeks Update: Capitalism corrupted
This is The Weeks Update, where Share Radio's regular economics commentator John Weeks joins us in the studio with a guest in hand to talk the big economic and political questions of the day. For this edition, John and Share Radio's Ed Bowsher were joined by Guy Standing, Professorial Research Associate at SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies at London University. Guy has recently written a book called 'The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay'.
