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Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Advertising Week Europe

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Advertising Week Europe
Nick Peters bring you Marketing Watch from Advertising Week Europe in London. Nick looks at the highlights of the biggest marketing and advertising event with Maisie McCabe, deputy editor of Campaign Magazine; the changes in the industry with Kathleen Saxton, Founder & CEO at The Lighthouse Company and Co-Producer of Advertising Week Europe; and whether this should be a cause of concern with Pippa Glucklich, the CEO Starcom Mediavest. He is also joined by Michael Litman CEO Burst Insights.

Kathleen Saxton, Michael Litman, Pippa Glucklich, Maisie McCabe

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Brand Marketing and Advertising

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Brand Marketing and Advertising
This week Nick Peters focuses on advertising and marketing. He speaks to Matt Winton, Head of Marketing at Smiley & Co, on the smiley and how it has developed into a world-famous brand and a cultural icon in the world of technology, fashion and music. Ahead of the fourth annual Advertising Week Europe event this week, Rebecca Eaves, Director at Advertising Week Europe, talks about the current state of advertising and how it’s contributes to the UK and EU economy.

Matt Winton, Rebecca Eaves

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Brands and Marketing

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Brands and Marketing
As Apple turns 40 this week, Adrian Day, Independent brand consultant and Associate Consultant for Brand Consultancy, explains to Nick Peters how the brand constantly reinvents itself, while also sticking to core original principals. Adam Reynolds, from Intermarketing Agency, also discusses Donald Trump’s marketing tactics to advertise and promote himself and his campaign during the US election. Finally, Nick speaks to Richard Armstrong, Chief Strategy Officer and Founding Partner of Kameleon, looks at brands and the crossover between branding and advertising in online content and how this could potentially mislead the customers.

Adrian Day, Adam Reynolds, Richard Armstrong

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Productivity and Pay

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Productivity and Pay
This week Nick Peters looks at bold stunts from Carlsberg, such as the pop-up chocolate bar in London. Dharmesh Rana, Carlsberg Senior Brand Manager, tells Nick Peters why they pitched the idea to attract new customers. As well as talking about April Fools Adverts, Nick looks at the changing face of digital media with Nigel Clarkson, Managing Director of Yahoo UK.

Dharmesh Rana, Nigel Clarkson

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch - Advertising

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch - Advertising
This week Nick looks at Twitters 10th birthday and how TFL are revolutionizing advertising for all London's commuters, with Jason Cotterrell of Exterion Media and Dominic Rushe, Guardian US Business Editor.

Dominic Rushe, Jason Cotterrell

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch - Brands gone Wrong

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch - Brands gone Wrong
Nick looks at brands, the stories behind them, what happens when they go wrong and how a good story can influence the lives of millions for the better. To talk about brands and PR nick talks to Russell Parsons, of marketing week, Andrew Caesar-Gordon, of Electric Airways and Chris Brown from Liverpool vision.

Russell Parsons, Andrew Caesar-Gordon, Chris Brown

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch
After Maria Sharapova’s failed drug test this week, sponsors such as Tag Heuer and Nike dropped the tennis champion within days of the scandal coming to light. Nick Peters looks at the sponsors who work with sport icons and how such events affect their reputation. Nick speaks to Rupert Pratt from Generate Sponsorship. Nick then explores how advertising companies are facing the changes of TV in the UK. He speaks to David Tiltman at WARC who looks back at their best ads and Lindsey Clay from ThinkBox who talks about A Year in TV 2015 and the future of advertising in television, after many programmes have moved online.

Rupert Pratt, Lindsey Clay, David Tiltman

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch
Nick Peters looks at cinema advertising agency Pearl and Dean’s loss of shares in the advertising market. Peter talks to Kathryn Jacob, Pearl and Dean CEO, about how this came about. She talks about the struggles the company had to face and how they recovered. Kathryn also talks about how the company has changed from a cinema to a film company. Nick also speaks to Raymond Snoddy about the new paper-only tabloid newspaper, The New Day Nick compare the Independent’s choice to become a digital newspaper and the birth of the new tabloid. Together they talk about the vicissitudes between print and online publications as well as how modern paper publications are changing. Nick also talks about the role of marketing in the structure of any business. Chief marketing Officer Sholto Douglas-Home from global recruitment firm Hays says marketing should ‘man up’ and brace themselves for a brighter future of marketing.

Catherine Jacob, Raymond Snoddy
