Share Sounds from Sarah's Pick Of The Week

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Strand: Share Sunday
Programme: Sarah's Pick Of The Week
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Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Amazon's e-bikes, biofuel, sand batteries & AR contact lenses

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Sarah's Pick Of The Week

Gadgets & Gizmos: Amazon's e-bikes, biofuel, sand batteries & AR contact lenses
Share Radio's technology editor, Steve Caplin, talks to Simon Rose about Amazon's new e-cargo bikes and a new more efficient biofuel. Renewable energy storage takes a leap forward with sand batteries, while pyramids could be the way forward for solar cells. AR glasses may not be needed; there could be AR contact lenses instead while NASA want to send mini swimming robots to moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Steve admires a coal-powered motorbike and discusses the latest development in 3D printed wood.

Steve Caplin

Simon Rose

The Week That Was And The Week Ahead: Royal Mail, Easyjet, SSE & Halford's

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Sarah's Pick Of The Week

The Week That Was And The Week Ahead: Royal Mail, Easyjet, SSE & Halford's
Ian Forrest of The Share Centre looks at the market reaction to the good news on various C-19 vaccines. He examines recent reports from Royal Mail, Easyjet, SSE and Halford's and how their fortunes have been affected by the pandemic. Looking ahead, he tells us what we might expect when we hear from Compass, Pennon and Aviva.

Ian Forrest
