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Genre: Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders / Topic: Case Studies
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Simon Morris on New Research Revealing the UK's Dwindling Brand Loyalty

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Simon Morris on New Research Revealing the UK's Dwindling Brand Loyalty
Adam Cox is joined by Simon Morris, from ServiceNow, for an insightful conversation about a recent survey that unveils a concerning trend: a significant decline in brand loyalty among the majority of Brits. Together, they delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and explore strategies for companies to balance data security with the delivery of personalised and seamless customer experiences. Simon shares valuable insights into the anticipated evolution of consumer behaviours and expectations, shedding light on how businesses can proactively stay ahead of these changes.

Simon Morris

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Village

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Village
Using the metaphor of community and collaboration within a village, Adam Cox helps with the contrast between the tendency to rush into action and an almost compulsive search for more and more research before taking action - what he describes as analysis paralysis. This session can help people at either end of this spectrum to find a balance.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Meet the Transformation Queen

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Meet the Transformation Queen
Adam Cox talks with Annie Gibbins, who's based in Australia. She's been growing businesses for 25 years through her eye health charity, at the same time as bringing up a family of five - children - including two sets of twins. As she did so, she developed an online coaching programme called 'Magic Transformations', and has now earned the title of Transformation Queen.

Annie Gibbins

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Why actors need to be entrepreneurial

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Why actors need to be entrepreneurial
Adam Cox is joined by Jade Asha, author of Actorpreneur. Jade talks about the struggles of being an actor and needing to have second sources of income while not working. They discuss how COVID has hit actors hard, and how it is causing many actors to leave the profession and give up on their dreams. Jade offers tips so that actors can still pursue their dreams while earning a living.

Jade Asha

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The psychology of network marketing

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The psychology of network marketing
Adam Cox talks to Larry and Taylor Thompson about their journey into network marketing. Larry describes how Jim Rohn changed his life, and together Larry and Taylor share how certain principles enabled them to find high levels of success and personal income. They discuss the elements of certain mindsets that can lead people to think of network marketing as a cult. Larry also talks about his book, The Millionaire Training.

Larry and Taylor Thompson

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: How to speak, influence and sell

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: How to speak, influence and sell
Adam Cox is joined by Elliot Kay, best-selling author and the co-founder of Speaker Express. Elliot details what it takes to build a great stage presence, and how he teaches business owners to transform their messages into a powerful growth tool. He shares some great tips for how to become a powerful speaker with the ability to influence an audience.

Elliot Kay

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: How to stay true to yourself online

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: How to stay true to yourself online
Adam Cox is joined by digital leadership strategist, Jono Poon. Jono explains why the biggest mistake people make online is being fake and having a persona disconnected from reality – and why clarity and authenticity are crucial when using online platforms like social media, podcasting, and YouTube. For more details on Jono visit:

Jono Poon

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Online shopping and the older consumer

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Online shopping and the older consumer
Adam Cox is joined by Christine Gouldthorp from PriceRunner, to discuss new research findings that show how older consumers lack trust and confidence in online retailers. They look at why more older people are shopping online, despite the worries and concerns that they have, and what consumers should look out for to ensure they are staying safe when shopping online.

Christine Gouldthorp

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Post-purchase customer care

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Post-purchase customer care
Adam Cox is joined by Angus Knights, Partnership Manager from Parcellab, to discuss the implications that come from retailers and businesses ignoring customers once they have made their purchases. They delve into the impact this will have on both the public and retailers, and how important customer service is in order to ensure a good relationship is maintained between the two once the customer has clicked “check out”.

Angus Knights

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Elite Coaching Breaks

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Elite Coaching Breaks
Adam Cox is joined by life coach and founder of Elite Coaching Breaks, Saadia Valasarie Sultan. Saadia was a guest on the show 2 years ago and shares her own development since she discussed Mind Flow Surfer. Saadia explains why it made sense to launch a coaching breaks company in locations such as Ireland in the middle of a global pandemic, and why some things can't be done properly online. She also shares some tips to help enable people to tap into their full potential, as well as discussing the nature of learning to the point of mastery.

Saadia Valasarie Sultan
