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Ed Bowsher

The Big Call: Smart Beta performance and more!

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Big Call

The Big Call: Smart Beta performance and more!
Ed Bowsher finds out more about smart beta investing – passive funds that can follow particular investment strategies such as value or momentum. He speaks to Adam Laird, Head of ETF strategy at Lyxor and Steve Goldin, Managing Partner at Parala Capital. Steve gives the rundown on recent Smart Beta performance and also looks at how smart beta ETFs that look similar may actually be very different.

Adam Laird, Steve Goldin

Ed Bowsher

The Big Call: The Ultimate EFT Guidebook

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Big Call

The Big Call: The Ultimate EFT Guidebook
ETFs (exchange traded funds) have revolutionised the investment world, offering a wide range of new opportunities for private investors. A new book on the funds has just been published called ‘The Ultimate ETF Guidebook’. Beginners can easily read the book, and more experienced investors will probably find fresh insight as well. In the latest edition of The Big Call, Ed Bowsher talks to the co-author of the book, David Stevenson.

David Stevenson
