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Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Multi-Generational Living

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Multi-Generational Living
Figures show that an increasing number of people in their 50s and 60s are getting their elderly parents to move in with them, moving into their home, or are pooling their money to buy a property that they can all live in together. It can be a good option for some families, but there are some disadvantages. So, what do you need to think about if you're considering asking your parent to live with you and what are the pros and cons? Sarah Pennells is joined by Christine Webber, an author, broadcaster and psychotherapist, Adrian Kidd from Plan Your and Deborah Stone who's the founder of the website

Adrian Kidd, Christine Webber, Deborah Stone

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Budgeting for a Child at Uni

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Budgeting for a Child at Uni
If your son or daughter is planning to go to university in the autumn, are you planning on how you'll help them pay for it? Are you going to be supporting them with help towards their rental costs or will you be paying some of their bills? And if you're off to university, are you wondering how much debt you'll leave with? Sarah Pennells is joined by Annie O'Leary from the parenting website Netmums, Jane King who's from Ash-ridge financial planning and James Seymour who's from the Complete University Guide.

Jane King, Annie O'Leary, James Seymour

Sue Dougan

Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine: Episode Six

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine

Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine: Episode Six
Sue Dougan and Lisa Harris from Sainsbury's magazine talk about jams and preserves with the team at Granny Cool, hear about how the humble Pea is having a renaissance, and Action Against Hunger discuss how your meal out can now make a big difference to the charity. With Eadaoin McDonagh, Caroline Dyer, Granny Cool, Tim Mudge, Gianluca D'Angelo

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Death and ... Maths?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Death and ... Maths?
It’s time again for This Is Money, in partnership with NS&I. Every week, Financial Broadcaster of the year Georgie Frost teams up with Financial Website of the Year This is Money, to go through all the money stories you need to know about. This week, Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard-Strauss are in the studio taking a big look at two major bugbears of the modern age: we’re looking at will-disputes and enhanced inheritances, as well as our own financial competence (or lack thereof). We’re also finding the most expensive parking spots in the UK, and finding a way to stop those pesky cold calls once and for all. This Is Money is presented in partnership with NS&I.

Rachel Rickard-Straus, Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

CONSUMING ISSUES: The team from MoneyWise joins us to talk about HMRC, property guardians, mobile phone features and social media

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consumer News Review

CONSUMING ISSUES: The team from MoneyWise joins us to talk about HMRC, property guardians, mobile phone features and social media
Call-handling delays by HM Revenue and Customs have cost personal taxpayers £97million in the last year. The government's spending watchdog says staff cuts resulted in poor customer service. Tom Wilson and Helen Knapman from Moneywise have been looking at what has been going wrong. Plus, are property guardians the answer to the housing crisis? And, have new data roaming rates lowered bills.

Tom Wilson, Helen Knapman

Georgie Frost

The News Review with Deborah Hargreaves - 25/05/2016

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

The News Review with Deborah Hargreaves - 25/05/2016
Deborah Hargreaves, founder of the High Pay Centre, joins Georgie Frost in the studio to discuss the biggest finance stories of the last 24 hours. On the agenda today, HMRC call-handling delays cost personal tax payers £97million, the Marks and Spencer boss to cut prices and hire more staff, lack of awareness could cost us thousands in our pensions, and much more. Consuming Issues goes out with Georgie Frost every day from 9 to 12 on Share Radio.

Deborah Hargreaves

Sarah Pennells (1)

Ask Sarah: Automatic Enrollment Pensions

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Ask Sarah

Ask Sarah: Automatic Enrollment Pensions
This week Sarah Pennells explores the issues revolving automatic enrolment pensions, the government's programme to encourage more people to save for their retirement through a workplace pension. While millions of people are being placed into their workplace pension, new research from pensions provider Aviva shows that one and a half million don't know what their money is invested in. Sarah is joined by Chris Daems, from Cervello Financial Planning, Ranila Ravi Burslem, from NEST, and Malcolm Goodwin from Aviva to discuss the topic.

Chris Daems, Ranila Ravi Burslem, Malcolm Goodwin

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Balancing Work and Life

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Balancing Work and Life
Sarah Pennells looks at how to create the perfect work/life balance with guests Neil Shah, Chief De-Stressing Officer at the Stress Management Society, and life coach Karen Perkins, who discuss other factors that can increase stress, and Sarah Evans, an Employment Lawyer with Slater and Gordon, who looks at whether people should have the right to work flexibility and what employers should take into account.

Neil Shah, Karen Perkins, Sarah Evans

Georgie Frost

The News Review with Ed Bowsher - 20/05/2016

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

The News Review with Ed Bowsher - 20/05/2016
Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher joins Georgie Frost in the studio to discuss the biggest finance stories of the last 24 hours. On the agenda today, the tobacco companies lose their court case, while Whirlpool tumble dryers catch fire as the average household will have to pay more in their annual bills, plus much more. Consuming Issues goes out with Georgie Frost every day from 9 to 12 on Share Radio.

Ed Bowsher

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: Do you have Money issues affecting your state of Mind? Listen too Jane Clack from PayPlan

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: Do you have Money issues affecting your state of Mind? Listen too Jane Clack from PayPlan
Do you have money worries? Is it affecting your state of mind? Personal debt for many is spiralling out of control with the levels topping £180bn in Britain. That's more than the annual budget for the NHS. Well one organisation is looking to help those who are in trouble by offering free debt advice and management plans. Jane Clack from PayPlan speak to Georgie Frost about how serious the debt in this country is, and how to overcome these issues.

Jane Clack
