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Ed Bowsher

Blue Britain: Tories make sweeping gains in local elections

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Blue Britain: Tories make sweeping gains in local elections
The Conservative party has swept across Britain making big gains in the local elections. The results confirm analysts expectations that a comfortable Tory win is likely in next month's general election. For more on this and the latest political news, Ed Bowsher spoke to Asa Bennett, Assistant Comment Editor at the Telegraph.

Asa Bennett

Ed Bowsher

Prince Philip to retire this Autumn

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Prince Philip to retire this Autumn
Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, is going to stop making public appearances. The Duke, who is turning 96 next month, will attend previously scheduled engagements between now and August, but will not accept new invitations upon his full retirement in the Autumn. According to a palace spokesperson, the Queen "will continue to carry out a full programme of official engagements". For more on this and other political news, Ed Bowsher was joined by Robert Colvile, Editor of CapX.

Robert Colvile

Ed Bowsher

Brexit Bill: Is this the end of a transitional trade deal?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Brexit Bill: Is this the end of a transitional trade deal?
Now the EU has reportedly raised its opening demand for Britain's Brexit bill from the previous estimate of €60bn to €100bn - apparently due to pressure from France and Germany - could a transitional trade deal be off the cards? To discuss this further, Ed Bowsher spoke to European affairs analyst Yannis Koutsomitis.

Yannis Koutsimitis

Ed Bowsher

EU suggests UK's divorce will be costly in new €100bn bill

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

EU suggests UK's divorce will be costly in new €100bn bill
The EU says Britain's Brexit bill could be as much as €100bn - but Brexit Secretary David Davis says we won't pay. To find out more about this latest clash, and for all the latest election news, Ed Bowsher was joined by John Ashmore, Chief reporter at Politics Home.

John Ashmore

Ed Bowsher

Brussels eyes up the Euro-clearing market in London

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Brussels eyes up the Euro-clearing market in London
Brussels is set to try and grab the London-based euro-clearing market according to reports today. This follows the news that last week's Downing Street dinner for Theresa May and EU Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker didn't go well. Could the market be a source of tension in Brexit negotiations, or will it be a useful bargaining chip for the UK? Ed Bowsher spoke to John Rentoul, Chief Political Commentator for The Independent.

John Rentoul

Georgie Frost

Money Fight Club: How smart are smart meters?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Money Fight Club: How smart are smart meters?
Georgie Frost is joined by financial heavy weights Lindsay Cook and Andy Webb. This week they take on the malfunctioning smart meters charging people as much as seven times their normal bill. Plus why insurance companies are getting the sucker punch this week and is it really a good idea to pay off your student debt?

Lindsay Cook, Andy Webb

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Anything but Brexit

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

This is Money: Anything but Brexit
Welcome to the This is Money Show on Share Radio. The UK parties are now getting into full election mode and already we’ve seen a range of policy suggestions, debates and u-turns appearing. From energy price caps to scrapping death duty hikes we’ll but looking at what all these could mean for the finances of voters. Also weighing in on the French election and GDP Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus. Plus it’s your final week to spend the old paper five pound note.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Georgie Frost

How will Brexit impact Britain's rural economy?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

How will Brexit impact Britain's rural economy?
With the clock ticking on Britain's two year negotiation period the Brexit debate is proving far from over. So what could the outcome mean for Britain's rural economy? In this special report Share Radio's Tom Hill looks at the hopes and fears of the country's farming and fishing industries.

Tom Hill, Guy Smith, Wyn Grant, Alan Hastings

Georgie Frost

How will Brexit change Britain's fishing industry?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

How will Brexit change Britain's fishing industry?
In part 2 of our look at the impacts of Brexit on Britain's rural economy Share Radio's Tom Hill looks at the hopes of Britain's fishing industry.

Tom Hill, Alan Hastings

Ed Bowsher

May and Corbyn fight over NHS and Pensions in last PMQs

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

May and Corbyn fight over NHS and Pensions in last PMQs
Today saw the last Prime Ministers' Questions before the end of the current Parliament. Earlier, Labour announced big plans for changes to the NHS, and opposition leader Corbyn and PM May took the battle to this final debate before the General Election. For more, Robyn Dwyer discussed the big political news of the day with John Ashmore, Chief Reporter at Politics Home.

Robyn Dwyer, John Ashmore
