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Georgie Frost

Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 21/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 21/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. Today they discuss the new team of experts being put together to tackle firms exploiting self-employed workers as well as the new Pension Schemes Bill. Plus why Kit Kat could be the next product affected by the falling pound. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Ed Bowsher

Ed Bowsher

Andy Webb, personal finance journalist and blogger at 'Be Clever With Your Cash' on The News Review 19/10/16

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Andy Webb, personal finance journalist and blogger at 'Be Clever With Your Cash' on The News Review 19/10/16
Ed Bowsher is joined in the studio by Andy Webb, personal finance journalist and blogger at 'Be Clever With Your Cash'. Today they discuss the latest reforms to pensions as well as the growing threat of current account fraud. Plus why many workers aren't using their full holiday allowance. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Andy Webb

Ed Bowsher

Hannah Maundrell, editor of, on The News Review 17/10/16

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Hannah Maundrell, editor of, on The News Review 17/10/16
Ed Bowsher is joined by Hannah Maundrell, editor of Today they discuss the latest figures for retail spending as well as looking at a new government scheme to safeguard members of failed pension funds. Plus why parents are increasingly struggling to put aside savings for their children. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Hannah Maundrell

Georgie Frost

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 14/09/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 14/09/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. Today they discuss yesterday's price war between Unilever and Tesco as well as the news banks are planning on a further cut to interest rates. Plus the latest proposed reforms to pensions. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Georgie Frost

CEO of eMoov estate agent, Russell Quirk, on The News Review 11/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

CEO of eMoov estate agent, Russell Quirk, on The News Review 11/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined by Russell Quirk, CEO of online estate agent eMoov. Today they discuss calls for Samsung Galaxy Note 7 owners to switch off their phones over safety risks as well as the news of another round of strikes on Southern Rail. Plus should rich pensioners leave money to their grandchildren to help them onto the property ladder? All these stories and more on The News Review.

Russell Quirk

Georgie Frost

Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 07/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 07/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. Today they discuss the falling price of sterling as it reaches a 31 year low as well as the news of a new round of strikes from Southern Rail. Plus the growing popularity of a shift towards a cashless society. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Ed Bowsher

Georgie Frost

Kevin Pratt, web editor at, on The News Review 06/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Kevin Pratt, web editor at, on The News Review 06/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Kevin Pratt, web editor at Today they discuss today's ruling on fracking as well as the Bank of England's latest admission it was too pessimistic about the impact of the Brexit referendum vote. Plus the news alcohol is now so cheap it's possible to buy 13 pints for the price of a cinema ticket. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Kevin Pratt

Georgie Frost

Angharad Lynn, private client solicitor at Veale Wasbrough Vizards, on The News Review 05/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Angharad Lynn, private client solicitor at Veale Wasbrough Vizards, on The News Review 05/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined by private client solicitor Angharad Lynn from Veale Wabrough Vizards. Today they discuss flexible working hours and which groups have access to them as well as the risks faced by the thousands of pensioners who have withdrawn cash lump sums from their pensions. Plus why network providers are urging those in areas with weak signal to opt out of their contracts. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Angharad Lynn

Georgie Frost

Hannah Maundrell, editor of on The News Review 03/10/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Hannah Maundrell, editor of on The News Review 03/10/16
Georgie Frost is joined by Hannah Maundrell, editor of Today they discuss Philip Hammond's speech today at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham plus news of planned strikes on Virgin Trains East Coast over job cuts. Plus would you pay £17.50 for the chance to jump airport security queues? All these stories and more on The News Review.

Hannah Maundrell

Georgie Frost

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 30/09/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 30/09/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. Today they discuss the troubles facing Deutsche Bank as shares fall to a new record low as well as the new rise in the minimum wage for young workers. Plus the news British Airways is scrapping free in-flight meals. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Ed Bowsher
