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Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Manifesting Money

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Manifesting Money
Adam Cox talks to Venetia Zannettis, a law of attraction expert, about the science behind people getting the things they truly want for themselves. Whether it’s better relationships, your dream career or even getting rich; Venetia is adamant that if you believe in your desire and that you deserve it, both consciously and subconsciously, you’ll get it. On the flipside, Venetia talks about how worrying about a negative future could actually be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tune in for tips on how to attract more of what you want, including a big fat bank account.

Venetia Zannettis

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Road to Zero Emissions

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Road to Zero Emissions
Adam talks to Rob Lindley, the Managing Director of Mitsubishi Motors about new research that reveals that since only 1% of new cars are fully electric it’s looking unlikely that the government will meet it’s target for zero emissions on the roads by 2050. They discuss how technology such as PHEV (plug-in hybrid vehicles) enable motorists to drive half their miles in fully electric mode while giving them the reassurance that they wont be stranded. Rob highlights that currently the government is giving mixed messages when it comes to PHEVs and that more needs to be done. While incentives encourage some deterrents like Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) can also encourage drivers to seek greener vehicles.

Rob Lindley

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Smoking Isn’t Sexy

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Smoking Isn’t Sexy
Adam talks to relationship psychologist Annabelle Knight about new research that shows that the days of smoking being sexy are long gone, and that in a study on a dating app the same person without cigarettes in the photos got many more matches. She highlights that it can be harmful in relationships and can also negatively affect sex lives. Although smoking is highly addictive it can be stopped and Annabelle discusses a new campaign run by Change Incorporated that is encouraging millennials to quit smoking for good.

Annabelle Knight

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Female Intuition in Business

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Female Intuition in Business
Adam Cox talks to Malina Bien, an Intuitive Business Coach, of Malina B Coaching. Malina works with female executives to prompt them to listen to their inner voice, and to follow their intuition. In a modern society where we’re constantly on our mobile phones, digital distractions can drown out our ability to listen to ourselves – and with many women still finding themselves having to make a choice between fitting into masculine corporate cultures or following their own path, Malina gives her tips on how you can do what’s best for you.

Malina Bien

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Modern Hypnotism

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Modern Hypnotism
Stage hypnotist and clinical hypnotherapist, Jason Simmons, joins Adam Cox to talk about the common myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnotism. They discuss how, for many, ideas about hypnosis are based on stage hypnotists such as Paul McKenna, and characters from Little Britain. But does hypnotism really work, or is something else at play here?

Jason Simmons

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: The Apathy for EPC’s

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: The Apathy for EPC’s
Adam talks to Lauren Vasquez, an engineer for British Gas about research that suggests that first time buyers don’t investigate the energy efficiency of their first home purchase. This is surprising since many first time buyers are financially stretched with the cost of the deposit and the monthly mortgage and initial home buying costs. The unknown energy costs of the property could cause additional stress on an already stressful financial decision. Lauren offers some tips on how to make sense of an Energy Performance Certificate and how to make homes more energy efficient.

Lauren Vasquez

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Gift of Health

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Gift of Health
Adam talks to Philly Fiels, founder of Hope In Health: a specialist company that produces a frankincense tonic water called Frankly Irresistible. They explore why, for most people, frankincense is associated with the gift that the 3 wise men gave to Jesus in the nativity, and why we have heard so little else about this ancient plant. Philly explains that although frankincense can be used as a fragrance, the higher grades can be used to create a tonic water with incredible health properties. They discuss the science behind this plant and explore whether the placebo effect could be responsible for some of these – almost miraculous – health observations.

Philly Fiels

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Psychology of Selling

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Psychology of Selling
Adam talks to Mike Graham, founder of SME Skills Consultancy on what he considers is the most vital skill in smaller businesses: sales! They discuss why selling is often seen as a dirty word despite it's being such an important part of a businesses success and why skills like communication and influence are highly valued despite being very similar to selling. Mike talks about his early experiences selling soft toys door to door and the lessons that are applicable to all people in business about how to get good at the skills of selling.

Mike Graham

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Front of Mind Inspiration

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Front of Mind Inspiration
Adam Cox is joined by TV presenter Julia Kendell – of 60 Minute Makeover and DIY SOS fame – and Andrew Weiss, Chairman of BHETA, the trade body for the home improvement industry. They talk about how the popularity of the home improvement shows of the 90s and early noughties saw a massive trend for people to improve their homes. The change in focus from DIY shows to today’s cooking and baking shows has seen a decline in the popularity of home improvement – so, how can we encourage millennials to get back into the art of DIY?

Julia Kendell, Andrew Weiss

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Dental fears

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Dental fears
New research reveals that nearly a third of Brits say that they fear the dentist’s chair and 79% say they are put off receiving dental advice as a result – which could explain why nearly 100,000 fewer people visited the dentist last year. Fear is just one of the reasons why we are avoiding the chair, with time and cost also stopping 1 in 7 of us from taking a visit. So, Are we risking our oral health by not taking more regular visits to the dentist? Earlier I spoke to dentist Cathal Hayes and the CEO of Centre for Dentistry who carried out the research Lisa Riley.

Cathal Hayes, Lisa Riley
