Morning Money: Billy Bambrough on the potential manipulation of the US treasury markets

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  • Morning Money: Billy Bambrough on the potential manipulation of the US treasury markets - 11 Sep 15
Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Billy Bambrough on the potential manipulation of the US treasury markets

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00 on

Morning Money: Billy Bambrough on the potential manipulation of the US treasury markets
New York's banking regulator is reportedly looking into potential manipulation of the US Treasury markets. Billy Bambrough's been investigating the potential impact of the case by speaking with Craig Pirrong, of the University of Houston, and Chris Skinner, Director at the Financial Services Club.

Billy Bambrough,Chris Pirrong,Chris Skinner


Topics: USA (in Economics); USA (in Investing in Funds)

Strand: Morning Money

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