Morning Money: Nikos Chryssochoidis looks ahead to the Greek stock market reopen

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  • Morning Money: Nikos Chryssochoidis looks ahead to the Greek stock market reopen - 03 Aug 15
Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Nikos Chryssochoidis looks ahead to the Greek stock market reopen

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00 on

Morning Money: Nikos Chryssochoidis looks ahead to the Greek stock market reopen
Nikos Chryssochoidis, Managing Director at N. Chryssochoidis Stock Brokerage, joins Sandra Kilhof and Mark Johnson from Athens to look ahead to the reopening of the Greek stock market, after a five week closure.

Nikos Chryssochoidis


Topics: Eurozone, Macro-Economics (in Economics); Europe (in Politics)

Strand: Morning Money

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