Tim Lovett, Spokesman Director of the British beekeepers association, about National Honey Week

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  • Tim Lovett, Spokesman Director of the British beekeepers association, about National Honey Day - 27 Oct 16
Georgie Frost

Tim Lovett, Spokesman Director of the British beekeepers association, about National Honey Week

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Tim Lovett, Spokesman Director of the British beekeepers association, about National Honey Week
It's National Honey Week - and its a time to celebrates the honey crop and recognising the vital role of the honey bee to our environment and way of life. So what is the Business of honey? How important is it to our economy? And why do they need more young beekeepers? To find out, Georgie spoke to Tim Lovett, spokesman director of the British Beekeepers Association.

Tim Lovett


Topics: UK (in Economics)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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