Why is the UK lagging behind in maternity leave?

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  • Why is the UK lagging behind in maternity leave? - 27 Mar 17
Sarah Pennells (1)

Why is the UK lagging behind in maternity leave?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

Why is the UK lagging behind in maternity leave?
UK mums get one of the lowest amounts of decently-paid maternity leave in Europe According to research by the TUC, only Ireland and Slovakia have worse entitlements. To find out more Share Radio's Joe Aldridge spoke to Kathryn Mackridge, Equality Officer at the TUC.

Kathryn Mackridge


Topics: Management (in Work); Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Standards (in Ethics & Morality)

Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

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