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Genre: Work / Topic: Management
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Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Manpower in the shipping industry

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Manpower in the shipping industry
With London International Shipping week taking place, Morning Money looks into the manning aspect of the industry. Captain Kuba Szymanski is the Secretary General of InterManager, the international body for ship management companies, and he reveals all to Sandra Kilhof and Mark Johnson about managing crews in shipping.

Captain Kuba Szymanski


Morning Money: The shipping industry and its current trends

Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: The shipping industry and its current trends
It's London International Shipping Week and Steering group member Sean Moloney, Editor of Ship Management International Magazine, joins Mark Johnson and Chris Bailey to give an overview of the shipping industry.

Chris Bailey, Sean Moloney

Sarah Pennells (1)

Young Money: YoungPreneur

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Young Money

Young Money: YoungPreneur
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by a fantastic panel of Young Entrepreneurs, or "YoungPreneurs", to talk about how they got started in business and how they managed their finances as a young person, and also Escape The City to provide useful advice to young people thinking of setting up their own business.

Ben Towers, Melanie Goldsmith, Tomo Nakamura, Matt Trinetti


Morning Money: Paul Marsland on pay ratios

Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Paul Marsland on pay ratios
The High Pay Centre is about to release a collection of essays on the economics and metrics of pay ratios. Paul Marsland, a research consultant and leader of the High Pay Centre's work, joins Mark Johnson and Chris Bailey to discuss.

Paul Marsland, Chris Bailey

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Behavioural Economics

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Behavioural Economics
Nick Peters is joined by Rhoda Woo to discuss behavioural economics and the new report published by Deloitte and Touche LLP, In the heat of corporate crisis: Mind over matter.

Rhoda Woo

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Behavioural Decision Making

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Behavioural Decision Making
Nick Peters talking to Peter Ayton, Professor of Psychology at City university London, about behavioural decision making within business.

Peter Ayton

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Amazon

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Amazon
Nick Peters talks to one of the UK's top commentators on people management, about the report from The New York Times about the mismanagement at Amazon.

Philip Whiteley

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: How can a company's management practices hit their long term performance?

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: How can a company's management practices hit their long term performance?
Billy Bambrough speaks to Jonathon Hogg, Head of People and Talent at PA Consulting Group, and Paul Winter, CEO at management consultancy firm Concerto, about managerial practices and how it can impact on a company's bottom line, after Amazon were accused of employee cruelty.

Billy Bambrough, Jonathon Hogg, Paul Winter

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Mears Group CEO David Miles discusses the company's interim results

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Mears Group CEO David Miles discusses the company's interim results
David Miles, Chief Executive Officer at Mears Group, joins Sandra Kilhof and Mark Johnson to discuss the company's half year results.

David Miles

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Open Culture

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Open Culture
Shop Floor with Nick Peters talking with Daniel Tenner about how businesses built on an Open Culture can generate enthusiasm, commitment and profits. And how his own business, Grant Tree, has flourished as a result.

Daniel Tenner
