The longest finance bill in history could come to an anticlimactic end

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  • The longest finance bill in history could come to an anticlimactic end - 21 Apr 17
Ed Bowsher

The longest finance bill in history could come to an anticlimactic end

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The longest finance bill in history could come to an anticlimactic end
The latest finance bill, which follows last month's budget, has ambitious plans to digitise the UK tax system, and it may be dropped altogether because of the General election. Alternatively, it could be rushed through the Commons on Tuesday. The government is set to hold emergency negotiations with Labour over the final bill, attempting to push through and change complex clauses with minimal debate so it can be passed by the deadline on the 25th. For more on this, Ed Bowsher was joined by Anita Monteith, Tax manager at The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Anita Monteith


Topics: UK (in Economics); UK (in Politics)

Strand: Share Radio Afternoon

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