This is Money: Soy Lattes or Despair? Take your pick.

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Soy Lattes or Despair? Take your pick.

Georgie Frost
This is Money: Soy Lattes or Despair? Take your pick.
Welcome to This is Money, presented in partnership with NS&I. On this episode we're seeing the quicksand deepening for savers, as another base rate cut looms, and savings rates plummet through the floor. Bad news especially those under 30, the so-called Millenials or YOLO Generation. But is it their fault they know so little about money, and have even less hope for the future? We'll also be looking at some spare change that could bring you a mint, critical illness insruance that doesn't necessarily cover you for critical illnesses, and the greatest weapon in the fight against scammers: Information. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I

Simon Lambert,Lee Boyce


Topics: Credit Cards, Comparing Accounts (in Banking); Eurozone, UK, USA (in Economics); Adult (in Financial Education); Economic (in History); Cars, Medical (in Insurance); Currency Rates, Transferring Money (in International Money); Active, Index Tracking, Passive, Investment Trusts, UK (in Investing in Funds); Cars, Energy, Family Finance, Savings, Schooling, Weekly Shopping (in Personal Finance); UK (in Politics); Buy To Let (in Property & Mortgages); UK (in Shares); Case Studies, Careers (in Work)

Strand: Consuming Issues

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